Do or Do NOT... there is no TRY!

I am starting this blog because my life is driving me crazy. I am overweight, unhealthy and I have no energy to get things done so I've decided to keep a blog of my progress - tracking what/when I eat, how/if/when I excersise and how I'm feeling each day. I hope it will motivate me to loose weight and feel better about myself as a whole. So here the journey begins....

Thursday, 10 February 2011

Day Two

Wake up : 07:00
Breakfast: 08:15 - A bowl of organic rice cereal with organic museli and rice milk, half a cup of pineapple juice
Exercise: 20 min walk to grans pushing little buggy - Aidan walking so couldn't go too fast
Exercise: 20 min walking down town and around mall with mum and Aidan pushing little buggy again not too fast...
Lunch: Baked Potatoe with coleslaw, pickle and mango chutney, small glass of mineral water and half a pineapple tart + half a coconut cake
Exercise: 10 min folding/hanging/organizing laundry
Dinner: Medeterainian Veg. Pizza with lettuce, avocado, tomato, cucumber vinigrette salad - 2 chocolate buttons for dessert and a cup of choco herbal tea ^^
Glasses of Water Tally: 2 
Exercise Total: 40 min - not very active
Waist Measurement - 47
Weight - 15st 10lbs

Other Things I Got Done Today:
Folded laundry and organized bedroom a little bit
Picked up Ribs for dinner on sunday
Grocery Shop

Things to Do Tomorrow:
Tidy bedrooms and get water bottle that fell down behind the bed!!
Get out wedding dress to try on :-s
Wi-fit/go walking

Things to Change:
Drink More Water
Cut down Dairy
More Veggies

How am I Feeling?:
I was feeling pretty good this morning when I woke up - especially when I weighed myself and I had lost a pound lol - and that was after breakfast too XD  Plus I did pretty well at lunch - normally I would order a soup and paninin (white bread) with cheese  and a whole dessert and half of aidans to myself, so I managed to avoid dairy plus up my intake of veg majorly.  However, the afternoon came and I just totally lost all energy.  I spent an hour and a half on the couch dozing while Lily was napping and aidan was watching TV and subsequently other than folding a bit of laundry pretty much got nothing done around the house :-(  Still I rallied myself for dinner and made a nice salad full of veg and I'm only going to have the med. veg pizza from now on - no four cheese for me ^^  Where I really fell flat today was water - urgh... I used to be so good at drinking water all the time!   With Lily waking up in the nights and staying awake it's really taking it's toll... need to get to bed before minight EVERY NIGHT!

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